Monday, December 13, 2010

Things Are Lookin' Up

My my my, did I have a ball this weekend. I squeezed in a decent amount of girl time -

9 Sex & the City episodes
3 romantic comedies
6 cinnamon rolls
10 cups of coffee
2 bottles of wine
1 roll of goat cheese
1 bag of red seedless grapes (single-handedly eaten by yours truly)
2 pitchers sangria
8 tapas
uncountable slices of dark chocolate pumpkin bread
thousands of laughs
a few bad jokes
3 good pictures

While these are mostly guestimates, I have to say everything on that list was accomplished and more, thanks to a snow storm that kept my friends close for an extra day of girliness. On Sunday morning we all woke up feeling the pains of tapas and sangria, vowing to have a day of detox regardless of the change in plans. I worked in some weight lifting and indoor cycling. Such lovely friends I have, they held back their laughter and only made a few cracks about my intense need for physical activity. Thank you to my dear friends for trekking through the snow with me for a little winter adventure. I miss you already!

Circa 2008 
My girls have inspired me in the kitchen. I only wish I had been so creative with our meals, but visiting friends usually means fun meals out - so I happily obliged. This week, Mind Over Booty will feature some holiday party treats, warm comfort foods - starting with my favorite one for dinner tonight - hint: Italian take on eggs, and sensible cocktail recipes - in the event you are the host(ess) of your own fete.

Cheers to a snowy and swift Monday!
Miss M

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