Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Average Booty's Guide to Post-Exercise Fuel

This morning I stepped on the scale (as I do about twice a week), and to my delight found myself at a healthy weight loss mile post. For those of you who have seen me through the struggles (er years of) and energy focused on fitness and proper nutrition, I am happy to report that I am inching closer and closer to my ideal healthy weight. I say healthy weight, because as it stands, I am still at risk for certain physical ailments based on the recommended weight for my height of 5'8". Qualifying your ideal healthy weight with height and build in mind, is of the utmost importance. The government recommendations are not one size fits all bootys. 

One recent change that I made was dedicating calories and stomach space to a post-workout snack - even if that means eating at 9 pm. When I first started this journey to better health, I restricted my calories and food groups as the day progressed. Eventually the scale stopped moving, in spite of dedication, exercise variation and willpower. I saw not explanation for the stubborn nature of my body, besides that it was relatively happy with the size of my booty. I took action, and did so without dipping into my pocket book! Many gyms offer free fitness consultations or specials on training packages. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF FREE FITNESS OPPORTUNITIES! I met with and shared my frustration with a trainer who guided me through new weight lifting exercises. Also, I voiced my concerns as we went through the new training plan. If I thought an exercise was going to be difficult for me to maintain or eventually damage a joint, I said, "What else have you got?!" The trainer could see my motivation and offered some extra free guidance.

In addition to arming myself with more information about how the body works. I met with a Registered Dietitian FOR FREE! Thanks to a program from Hershey's Moderation Nation. I took this appointment seriously, and documented what I ate for a week. The pitfall of my nutrition. I set on a mission to incorporate a snack into my daily routine later at night to repair my muscles.

My qualifications for a post-workout evening snack:
1. Around 100 calories total (Your body may need more than this, so listen to your tummy)
2. Carbohydrates 
3. Protein

Some go-to snacks:
1. Low fat string cheese and a piece of fruit
2. Half a serving of low fat yogurt
3. Half a protein shake
4. Peanut butter and a piece of fruit
5. Low carb tortilla and half a serving of cottage cheese.

For more post-workout snacks or meals, check out this piece on Cooking Light.

Happy Fitness Snacking!
Miss M

***Note: I am not a fitness professional. I am simply sharing my years of experience. For more information, consult your physician, an R.D., or a Certified Fitness Expert. 

For local recommendations, make a comment or send me an email!

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