Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sweet Redemption

Sweet Cornbread - we'll get to this later...
First, I have a kitchen confession: in honor of Vegan MoFo, a month where bloggers showcase vegan recipes to show the world just how un-scary it is to be vegan, I attempted vegan marshmallows. And here's what a butt-load of corn syrup and sugar turns into:

I followed directions to a T and whipped that puppy for 15 minutes. And still, it looked like something that comes out of the body, not something that should go in it. Never fear, I didn't let that stop me from making the all important marshmallow fluff that is one of the (not so) secret ingredients in my mother's famous sweet potatoes. However, I turned to a vegetarian recipe that incorporated eggs. Out of respect for Vegan MoFo, I'll be posting that recipe in December.

Now onto my successes in the kitchen in keeping with my pre T-giving schedule! Using a down home cornbread recipe passed around the family from a legendary nanny, I altered the recipe to give it a healthier - and vegan, if you like - outcome. Now I preface this recipe with a few details: number one, if you like a crumbly cornbread, you will love this one, number two, this is the PERFECT cornbread for cornbread stuffing (more of that to come tomorrow!).


2 c. yellow cornmeal
1 c. whole wheat flour
1 ½ c. non-dairy milk OR buttermilk
¼ c. agave nectar OR honey OR sugar
½ c. apple sauce OR butter
3 eggs OR equivalent in egg substitute
1 Tbs baking powder
½ tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt


1.       Preheat oven to 400 degrees Farenheit
2.       Combine all dry ingredients, sifting flour
3.       Create a well in dry ingredients and mix together milk, agave nectar, apple sauce, and egg.
4.       Grease a baking dish – if you like thinner cornbread use 9 X 13.
5.       Bake for 35 minutes or until knife comes out clean.

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