Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fitspiration: M.O.B. Pump

Let come straight out and say; I have not taken Body Pump. It is all the rage among some of my friends and some of the blogs I frequent. Nonetheless, my gym does offer a similar style class complete with a large fitigue and thong - wearing (oops, slipped out in class last weekend and orange) instructor. He certainly lights up a room, and after a burn that lasted 4 days I could not wait until this Saturday to try my own version.

The principle behind most muscle conditioning classes that are geared towards females (mostly) is continuous reps of moderate weight. Below is a basic outline of what I did. At a later date I'll take you through the exact moves I used. The technique challenges muscles to build and should not make you overly bulky. Just a friendly reminder: a post workout snack is of the utmost important after this type of workout. 

1 barbell
Set of varying weights (2.5, 5, 10)
Set of free weights

Body Parts:

  • Choose 1 body part per song using your favorite move.
  • Lift to the beat 10 reps, then lift in 3 counts up 3 counts down for 10 reps repeat.
  • The larger the body part, the heavier the weight. I used 10 to 25 lbs. 

Songs to lift to:
"Hot N' Cold" Katy Perry
"Just Dance" Lady Gaga
"Senorita" Justin Timberlake (a slower burn)
"Dynamite" Taio Cruz (great for biceps!)
"Party at a Rich Dude's House" Kesha
"My Humps" Black Eyed Peas (appropriate for the booty)

*I am not a certified fitness expert. Content is provided based on years of experience and as an example of how to apply what one learns in a fitness class to everyday workouts.

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